
Everyone at DeCoverly specializes in a few keys areas of the business, but at one time or another can be found doing almost anything. Despite a diverse array of talents and interest, we’re all bound together by our love for the breed and our desire to produce the finest companions available today.


Jim Depolo, Managing Partner – Jim has been a friend of the kennel for the past twenty-five years and lifelong friend of the Sordoni family. He is an avid bird hunter and fly fisherman. He has traveled extensively in pursuit of upland game and has owned and hunted bird dogs for the past forty years. Jim began his active involvement with the kennel as a volunteer advisor in 2019 and recently became a partner in the business. Jim has over forty years of business experience working throughout the country with startups and international corporations.


Nick Puhak, General Manager of Kennel Operations and Training – A dog lover his whole life and an avid hunter from an early age, Nick naturally gravitated to professionally training hunting dogs. Over three decades, he worked with various senior trainers and dog breeds throughout the United States and Canada, honing his talents and expertise in the field. Nick’s dogs, and numerous others he has trained, have achieved excellence both in the field and in field trials. His attention has been concentrated in training pointing breeds, with a focus on English Pointers. His in-depth knowledge, intense dedication, and personal demeanor are regularly cited by his clients as a reason for their long-term relationships with Nick. He enjoys learning about each dog’s talents and needs, and then leveraging his experience and skills in order to advance their potential abilities.

In addition to training, Nick has more than twenty years of experience in breeding hunting dogs, some of which have gone on to win in field-trial circuits. Beyond his passion for training and breeding, Nick is a trained chef, regularly entertaining friends and clients.


Danielle Traver, Manager of Obedience Training, Dog Health, & Breeding – Danielle is DeCoverly’s Kennel Services Manager and Obedience Trainer. You will see her out and about in the kennel, being sure all the dogs are healthy, happy, and on their best behavior.
She started her career with DeCoverly back in the Fall of 2010 cleaning kennels and helping to care for the setters. This quickly turned into a love of the English Setter breed and a passion for training and showing people how to teach their dogs to be the best they can be.
When not at the kennel, Dani enjoys hiking with her personal dogs, quadding, gardening, and caring for her chickens and goats.

Kelley Kavanagh-Watkins – Financial and Administrative Manager – Kelley received her bachelor’s degree from Penn State University and her MBA from Wilkes University. She was introduced to DeCoverly in 2022 while doing a short-term consulting job but quickly fell in love with the dogs and the kennel. Kelley enjoys clay and target shooting and has been around setters and upland sports for over 20 years. Her four children also enjoy hunting and shooting but especially love to join her at work to socialize with new DeCoverly puppies!

Dominic Fino – Manager of Boarding and Building & Grounds

Sara Jacobs – Obedience Trainer


William B. Sordoni – Bill bought his first DeCoverly English Setter in 1982, and 10 years later became the Kennels’s business partner. Bill now owns DeCoverly and brings 40 years of business experience to the kennel.


William E. Sordoni – Bill grew up with DeCoverly setters from the age of seven. Bill became actively involved in the Kennel in 2005 and helps manage many of the business’ operations. Read about Bill’s DeCoverly setter, Clipper, in the “Clipper’s Corner” section of the DeCoverly On-Point Newsletter.

Matthew Sordoni – Matt has periodically worked with the kennel since 1993 in different capacities and continues to be involved today. Matt and his DeCoverly setter, Rye Toast, finished their first upland season together in 2010.